Sunday, March 27, 2011

Are you happy?

When I was in the hospital today visiting my grandaunt, I had the inspiration for a post. I was sitting by the bedside of my bed-ridden grandaunt.

She was resting, eyes-shut. She's not well and suffers from dementia and can't remember many things that go on in her life. As I sat by her bedside, I felt the chill of the environment and the sad aura that surrounds the hospital. It was then that my grandaunt opened her eyes and looked straight at me. I smiled and she asked the question that inspired my post "Are you happy? You have a very nice smile and you look sincerely happy" I gave her a hug. She didn't recognise me, didn't have a clue who I was, yet she told me I looked happy.

Then I thought to myself, why shouldn't I be happy? I am happy, I'm glad I am. I mean, there's only so much you can do with your life, and if you live it in regret or in sadness everyday, that wouldn't be living life to the fullest. I have a family, friends and a home. There is no reason I shouldn't be happy.

This post goes out to those feeling sad, angry, or basically just feeling unhappy. Everytime you feel that you're unhappy, think about how lucky you are to be living your life. Think about how lucky you are and what you have as opposed to what you want. When a person is unhappy, he/she should think about everything that makes them happy as opposed to thinking about the unhappy memories.

Easier said than done? I beg to differ. Everyone can, and they know they can, they just gotta believe it.

Are you happy?

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