Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm the guy for you, you'll see.

Like how I start every post recently, it's been a while.

I just haven't had the inspiration nor anything meaningful to blog about. This space has became so redundant that I feel the need to blog only if there is something worth blogging about. That brings me to this post. The inspiration for it? A dream I had last night. Ironic?

I've been so inspired by this dream that I'm actually considering typing it out, into a book or a short story. For now though, this blog will be my space for self expression.

So anyway, here goes!

The setting was in a foreign country, as far as I remember it was Japan. I was happily on a holiday with some of my poly friends. It starts off on a train, or rather some mode of transportation, could have been an airplane. We were at the boarding stage. Everyone had to climb to these seats that were elevated from the ground. The seats we were allocated, we being myself, Drusilla and Chrystle, were on the highest level. This meant we had to climb up a couple of flights of stairs before reaching our seats. Chrystle apparently headed up first. Drusilla and I were still making our way up. When we reached, Chrystle was all buckled in. Drusilla made her way to her seat and realised she forgot something, she then made her way down the steps while I got buckled up. She was followed by this girl, in the dream we knew her, her name was Samantha. I don't know a Samantha in real life but that's irrelevant for now. So Samantha and Drus made their way down.

This is when it happened. The dream version of me woke up, or rather the next thing that I remembered after buckling up, was that I was standing alone in the middle of a rather empty train station waiting for a train. It was a UK-styled train station where the architecture was rather old and different. Confused? That's exactly how I felt. Thoughts ran through my mind "what happened? Why am i here? Where are Drus and Chrystle?" I then decided to approach this lady who happened to be one of the few people waiting for a train. She was seated on a bench, covered with several layers of coats and winter-wear. I approached her and said "excuse me miss" Before I could go on, this girl looked up and I realised it was Chrystle. She looked up at me with a look of disbelieve, as if she had seen a ghost. I flooded her with questions and as I went on and on, she looked bemused. Among the questions asked were, "What happened? Why are we here? What happened on the train/airplane? Where is Drusilla?"

The first words that come out of her mouth "you don't remember?" She started explaning the story. According to her, a strange event occured in our airplane/train. It was said to be a mystery, something science couldn't explain. She was not sure about everything, apparently there were a lot of grey areas for her. She also mentioned that she was traumatized by the whole experience. In addition, she said she has no idea what happened to Drusilla. The whole incident left Chrystle questioning everything that was going on in her life. She seemed lost, not knowing what to do. Friends in her life didn't seem to matter. She looked as though she was planning to spend her entire life sitting on that particular bench. Before she went back to her bench she mumbled these exact words "If you want to find Drus, find Samantha"

I was determined to find Drusilla, in the dream she meant a whole lot to me. I had feelings for her. I'm sure i did. I also wanted to know exactly what happened. It was then that Chrystle lifted a newspaper she was reading and I realised, the date of the newspaper that day, was the same date that we were all on the train. That was when I realised something paranormal was happening. I decided to search frantically for Samantha. Then as I looked up at the train passing by, I saw her sitting alone in one of the cabins. I rushed in just as the train doors closed behind me. She looked up at me, and before I could say anything, she said "follow me"

She then brought me into the next cabin where there was this group of girls dressed in Japanese school uniforms. There stood a really familiar girl, with her back facing me. This girl turned and looked me dead in the eye, there was a spark and we both realised there was something special there. The girl was Drusilla. In the dream, before the whole extraterrestrial event happened, I was in a relationship with Drusilla. I knew I had feelings for her, I didn't know I loved her and was in a relationship with her. In that moment, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I said "Hi pretty girl?" She looked at me, gave me a confused look, and said something in Japanese. That's when Samantha grabbed me and said "she doesn't know who you are, she doesn't even speak english" Samantha explained that the event caused many things to happen, one of which was to create a whole new life for Drusilla. In this new life, she never met us, or rather she doesn't remember meeting us. Her only memory is that she knew we were once part of her life. Samantha went on to explain, saying that was why when our eyes clicked, she knew I was someone special to her. Her life now was a Japanese student, speaking only Japanese and not knowing a single word of english. Samantha couldn't explain what happened on that very day, all she knows is that everyone's life changed from that day forth.

I sat with Samantha for a while after that, talking to her about what happened and the things we used to have. I looked up and Drusilla and I said to Samantha "she's the one and she still remembers me and I know it. So I still want to spend the rest of my life with her. Regardless of whether she remembers me or not." I walked up to Drusilla and said "I love you, though you may not fully remember who I am, I'm the guy for you Drusilla, you'll see." Though she didn't speak english, she understood every word I said. She responded in Japanese, which one of her friends translated for me, "I don't know who you are, but there is something about you that makes me feel like you mean something to me. Do I know you?"

And...... That was when I woke up. How interesting my dreams are. If only I could write a book, a movie, a play. I could write my own beginning, my own ending. I can write about how I want the ending to be. It's like a perfect love story albeit cheesy one. I could draft my own love story. Am I supposed to be a writer? Is that why I dreamt about this? Is it just because I watch too many movies that my dreams play out how I want my life to be at this point?

I don't know, all I know is that I'm intending to write this out properly into a story or a book. I don't care if it never gets read by anyone else but myself. This dream made me realise many things. It was a part of my life. Hope you enjoyed the story.

P.S. Drusilla is a really close friend in real life, so is Chrystle. I guess a reason my dream played out this way is because I have/used to have feelings for Drusilla. The thought of me spending my life with her had crossed my mind. For now though, she's a really good friend.

`I'm the guy for you, you'll see.

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