Sunday, October 30, 2011

9 weeks to POP


So much for coming back after 2 weeks and updating this huh?

Anyway, army life sucks to be honest. However, as the weeks go on you just get used to it. The trick for me is to take it week by week. Every week, just look forward to Friday, the week passes much faster that way.

Moving on, the first couple of weeks were hell. I'll be honest, there we countless times I just felt like doing something stupid like committing suicide just so I didn't have to go through army. It was torturing, mentally and physically. The weeks went by and you got to know people, your bunk mates, platoon mates. It made things a lot easier as everyone there felt the same way and everyone was going through all the shit together.

Also, what really kept me going was knowing there is still an outside world, the civilian world outside tekong. The everyday messages i receive from Chrystle, a good friend, really helps me through the days. Of course other friends too. Just stepping into your bunk and reading a message from your friend is really awesome and helps you get through the day or makes your day.

Right now we're 10 weeks into BMT and we've got 9 weeks left. Feel a bit cheated though, 19 weeks isn't exactly 19 weeks. It's actually like 21 weeks. It sucks, but every male Singaporean has to go through it after all.

I really want to thank Chrystle and the other people who constantly message me in camp and help me along this army life. It really sucks, trust me. Of course there are the funny moments which really make you laugh, laugh hard. There are the shitty moments which you hope don't come. There are also the AWESOME moments when it rains the whole afternoon and we spend the whole afternoon resting in out bunks.

On the whole, army life still sucks. BIG TIME. On a brighter note, I'm down 15 kg from enlistment, hope it doesn't stop!

Till next time!

`i'll be your reason.